So, after a bit of searching, as mentioned, I found a design I like. It'll be perfect as a jumping off point.
The instructor, Rebecca, helped me immensely by doing a sketch of it with armature markings, head-length measurements and had an idea for building up the base behind and underneath the man since that figure would be the anchor or trunk and needed to be strong enough to support the man's upper body plus the woman's body. I originally was planning on having the man kneeling but I think, structurally, it will be better to have him sitting on something so it's not just his legs supporting everything. Plus, I can make his support a crumbling stone wall of some sort. The idea got me to envisioning the couple with the wind ruffling or blowing their clothes and hair a bit. But then, maybe that vision will change as I get further along.
So pics of the design and the base that I like:

The first one shows the full drawing and I'm planning on going with the upper half, with the woman entwined over the man's upper body, his arm supporting her. The second drawing shows the lower half only, with the man sitting on the base, his feet resting at a slant--I just like the way it looks better with the man fully sitting against the stones base rather than the first picture where he looks more like he's resting his body agains something.
Right, that's all for the moment, although I have worked on the base a bit, I'm not done and I have to go make 75 promotional items to ship on Thursday--yikes!
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